Reklamné predmety
"Od dizajnu do dodatia, celosvetovo"
Čo dokážeme vyrobiť
- personalizované predmety, od pier až po diáre
- luxusné krabice z knihárskej alebo vlnitej lepenky na mieru
- kožené predmety
- letáky, brožúry a iné tlačoviny
- vizitky, zakladače a pohladnice
- čiapky, tričká a iné (vyšívané alebo potlačené)
- čiapky, tričká a iné (vyšívané alebo potlačené)
Čo dokážeme poskytnúť
- skladové zásoby, s dostatočným množstvom materiálov počas celého roku
- krátke výrobné časy
- širkú škálu prémiových a eco-friendly materiálov
- kompletné zastrešenie pod jednou strechov v našej prevádzke
- kompletné zastrešenie pod jednou strechov v našej prevádzke
Naše materiály a produkty
Case Study
The client: Oxford Summer Courses
Vision: Create welcome boxes for 3000 summer school students aged 13-24, which is premium in quality and clearly communicates the values and ethos of the brand
Budget: Maximum of £20 per box
Specifications: Branded box to house; A5 branded notebook (100 pages, ruled), branded pen, booklet
Process: We assisted with design of final box, the selection of box contents and material choice. Lead time following contract signing was 5 weeks, including delivery to two UK locations. We also produced a wide range of samples for the client to choose from (covering different materials, debossing options and so on).
Get in touch
We work with a wide range of clients across the UK and Europe, for projects of any size.
From a small run of branded cardboard boxes, to larger orders of leaflets, branded pens, or any other merchandise item, we can help. We love working on projects that bring these elements together, to provide our clients with a wider range of branded items that fit together within beautifully presented packaging.
Contact our UK Sales Representative, Elizabeth Buckley on to find out how we can help your business